Compliance with laws is an important matter for the operation of your business.
N. Vorkas & Co publishes the Tax Calendar every month to inform its customers and anyone interested in deadlines of submitting declarations and tax payments.
For December
Until the end of the month:
- Payment of tax, which was deducted from the salaries of employees last month. (Form – I.R. 61 – PAYE)
- GHS payment of the previous month for: 1) Employees and Employer Contribution for Officials (0711) and 2) Officials and retirees (0701)
- Completion of declarations for withholding of Special Defence Contribution (SDC) and General Health System (GHS) from dividends and interest acquired last month. (Statement – I.R. 603, 602)
- Payment of Special Defence Contribution (SDC) withheld from dividends or interest paid in the previous month. (Forms – I.R. 603, 602)
- Payment of Social Insurance of November for employees
Also, the following must carry out:
1) Submission of the 2024 revised provisional tax return (if applicable) and payment of the second instalment of provisional tax for companies (0200)
2) Any taxpayer shall pay the Defence Contribution Tax (IR 604) and the GHS tax (IR 704) of rent received, by the owners (physical or legal persons), for the last 6 months of 2024
3) Any taxpayer shall withhold and pay the Defence Contribution Tax (IR 614) and the GHS tax (IR 714) of rent received, by the tenants (physical or legal persons), for the last 6 months of 2024
Please note that the Tax Calendar will be updated to reflect any changes in due dates.
Please contact us if you need further information. We consider compliance with tax laws and regulations extremely important.
We are here to assist you.
N. V. & C Team
N. Vorkas & Co